Tools to help you
on your journey

How to get out of a toxic thinking spiral

Peer Support Services

Certified Peer Support Workers

CPSW or Peer

A CPSW is a person who has walked the path of long term recovery from mental health issues and/or substance use and is employed to assist others in their individual journeys of recovery and healing.

What is the role of a CPSW or Peer?

CPSW’s can relate to others in a non-clinical, more personal way as they have a similar lived experience. They are positive role models and offer hope to others, demonstrating by their own life that recovery and healing  is possible.

We can demonstrate the role of a coach, mentor or role model to those that may need support and help in setting life goals through community resources and encouraging the client along the way.

Who are Peer Services for?

They are  for anyone needing additional support & are  recommended by their current provider or for AfterCare IOP support.  Peer services offer an integrative team approach alongside your therapist to ensure you are obtaining all that you can get to produce real substantial measurable results. 

Contact our AMAZING team of Peers today and see how they can walk alongside you in your journey towards healing.  


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988 Lifeline

The 24/7 Lifeline for Emotional, Mental, or Substance Misuse Support

CALL 988: 24/7

You are give three options:

  • Press 1 to connect with the Veterans Crisis Line
  • Press 2 to connect with the Spanish Subnetwork
  • Remain on the line and be connected to a local crisis center; if local crisis center is unable to answer, the caller is routed to a national backup center


You will be connected to crisis centers equipped to respond to texts.


is available through the Lifeline’s website:

Reasons to Use 988:

  • Worried about your safety or someone you know
  • Having a hard time managing strong emotions
  • Feeling hopeless, confused, angry or lonely
  • Worried about alcohol or drug use (substance use)
  • Need information or referrals for local community services
  • Have something on your mind that you want to talk over with someone outside of current situation
  • Service member or veteran and their families in need.

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Feeling Lonely? 4 Ways To Grow Your Friend Group Even From Home

Even before COVID-19, more than one in five adults in the U.S. said they felt lonely or isolated. Research shows that chronic loneliness even has negative effects on our physical health. We all need meaningful connections with people we care about, who care about us. How do we do that?

Start by Being a Friend

Do you want friends who will encourage you? Then become an encourager. Want friends who will help you grow as a person? Then practice listening, and show that you’re willing to change when you learn new things. Whatever you want to see in others, work towards becoming that friend yourself.

  1. Start Praying for Others.

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Ask someone you know, “How can I pray for you?” Write down what they tell you, then pray for them regularly. Our Prayer feature makes it easy to keep track of everything you’re praying for. Not sure what to pray? Try Verse of the Day Stories. Every day has a Prayer you can pray for yourself—and for friends. When you pray regularly for other people, your empathy and concern for them grows.

  1. Start Having Honest Conversations.

Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.

Proverbs 13:20

Relationships are built on trust. Trust goes in both directions. Don’t just talk about yourself. Ask a lot of questions, actively listen, and don’t judge. Not sure what to talk about? Do a Bible Plan together, and schedule a regular time to video chat about what God is showing each of you. (Verse of the Day is great for this, too.) The more you invest in each other, the more you’ll enjoy your times together.

  1. Start Serving Others, Together.

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.

Hebrews 10:24

Serving other people helps you beat loneliness, by taking your focus off yourself and giving you a sense of purpose. Millions of people have lost jobs during the pandemic.3 (If you’re one of them, we’re so sorry.) In most communities, food banks and other charities are busier than ever. Find services with social distancing and sanitizing policies that you’re comfortable with. Or, if you’d rather not leave your house, look for places where you can serve online.

  1. Start Inviting People.

Love one another deeply. Honor others more than yourselves.

Romans 12:10

Whatever You Do…
Just Start.

A Prayer for the Lonely

Father, please meet me where I am. Lord, send people who will reach out to me, and give me ideas of people I can reach out to. Give me courage and strength, and please rescue me from my loneliness.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

Psalms 34:18

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How Can You Make The World A Better Place

5 Spiritual Habits That Will Change The Way You Live

Make God the one thing you pursue above anything else.

As a new season begins, here are 5 spiritual disciplines you can practice to make time with God a daily habit.

  1. Give thanks

“We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds.” – Psalms 75:1

Have you experienced healing? Answered prayers? Breakthrough in the life of someone you love? Salvation? As you seek God’s heart for this new season, take a moment to thank Him for what He’s already done.

  1. Spend 5 minutes in silence

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” – John 15:4

Abiding in Jesus starts with stillness. Pause, take a deep breath, and give anything concerning you over to God. Spend 5 minutes centering your heart on the One who matters most.

  1. Remember Whose you are

“You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

God loves you. (Let that sink in.) The price He paid for you cost Him everything. Remind yourself of Whose you are, and then confidently dream big with God for this new season.

  1. Meditate on God’s Word

“Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.” – Psalms 119:97

How does Jesus want you to live? One of the best ways to find out is to spend time in Scripture. As you do, ask God to speak to you through His Words about what your next right step should be. (Not sure how to start studying God’s Word? Read this.)

  1. Focus on what is excellent

“…If there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” – Philippians 4:8

You have been given the mind of Christ. If you’re not sure of what you should do in your next season, try asking yourself: What is praiseworthy? What decisions would honor God?

Make a list of whatever comes to mind, and intentionally pursue those things.

By practicing these 5 steps every day, you can actively create keystone habits: acquired patterns of behavior that form the basis of your daily routines.

Imagine what good, personal habits you might be cultivating a year from now because you purposefully chose to pursue intimacy with God today!

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Join Us In Praying For Peace

How To Pray When You Don't Know What To Pray

Loving on Purpose

Loving On Purpose builds powerful people. People who choose love over fear. People who strengthen and protect quality relational connections. They are passionate about equipping people to create a powerful relational legacy for future generations in their homes, organizations, and communities.

"Sheri and I had 15 rough years of marriage before we finally gained the skills and tools to turn things around and build the connection and family we always hoped for. Our journey has strengthened us to be able to give hope, healing, and skills to any relationship that is hurting or thriving. Loving On Purpose is our vehicle for exporting these tools to people around the world." - Danny Silk

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Keep Your Love On: Connection Communication And Boundaries

Keep Your Love On Quotes

“Yes, it’s vulnerable and scary to keep your love on toward someone who has become a perceived threat—you cannot guarantee what he or she is going to do. But you can guarantee your own choice. And you can always choose connection.”

Danny Silk, Keep Your Love On

“make an agreement to exercise mutual control over each other. The unspoken pact between them is, “It’s my job to make you happy, and your job to make me happy. And the best way to get you to work on my life is to act miserable. The more miserable I am, the more you will have to try to make me feel better.” Powerless people use various tactics, such as getting upset, withdrawing, nagging, ridiculing, pouting, crying, or getting angry, to pressure, manipulate, and punish one another into keeping this pact. However, this ongoing power play does nothing to make them happy and mitigate their anxiety in the long term. In fact, their anxiety only escalates by continually affirming that they are not actually powerful. Any sense of love and safety they feel by gaining or surrendering control is tenuous and fleeting. A relational bond built on mutual control simply cannot produce anything remotely like safety, love, or trust. It can only produce more fear, pain, distrust, punishment, and misery. And when taken to an extreme, it produces things like domestic violence.”

Danny Silk, Keep Your Love On: Connection Communication And Boundaries

“In a respectful relationship, each person understands, “I am responsible to know what is going on inside me and communicate it to you. I do not expect you to know it, nor will I allow you to assume that you know it. And I will not make assumptions about what is going on inside you.”

Danny Silk, Keep Your Love On: Connection Communication And Boundaries

“Powerful people do not try to control other people. They know it doesn’t work, and that it’s not their job. Their job is to control themselves.”

Danny Silk, Keep Your Love On

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